Windows on west side of sanctuary.

Newsletter of the

First Unitarian Church,

Alton, Illinois


Rev. Khleber Van Zandt, Minister

July 2012


ONE WORSHIP SERVICE:  June through September 2 – 10:00 am



Join us each Sunday at 10:00 am for a

Celebration of  Summer”


June 24, 2012

At Church:  Neil Hershey


At Tower Grove Park:  Rev. Khleber Van Zandt

At Spring and Arsenal.  Bring chairs or blankets to sit on. 



Following the service we will march in the Pride Parade for the 6th year in a row.  The parade begins at noon near Gravois and Grand in South St. Louis City, proceeds north on Grand and ends north of Arsenal near Magnolia.  Further details and parade meeting place will be announced later.




July 1, 2012

Marty Johnson


July 8, 2012

Patrick Murphy

July 15, 2012

Michelle Bryant Barbeau


July 22, 2012

To be announced


July 29, 2012

Jennifer Timpe


August 5, 2012

Steven Mead


To Contact Rev. Khleber Van Zandt


Cell Phone:

Missouri – 314-223-0551

Illinois – 618-520-0567




Adult Religious Enrichment (ARE)

9:00 am

July 1, 15, 29

Eric Johnson and Michelle Bryant-Barbeau will be teaching from the book, “Learning to be White” by Thandeka.

A Letter from Sayer


I joked at the annual meeting that I mark my church calendar year from Campfest to Campfest. I wasn't entirely joking.  Campfest to me really sums up a year in the life of our church. My year here at our church as President of the Board of Trustees has been amazing, challenging, rewarding, empowering, opportunity filled, sacred, finding truths around every corner and experiencing mostly the best in folks, similar to our Campfest adventure.


If you missed Campfest you missed a successful experiment in intentional community – intentional community at its finest.  Leaders emerging, teamwork abundant, and love and laughter abounding.  What a gift to watch many of our kids in an interchangeable herd, playing, connecting, and getting to know each other.  I witnessed adults going out of their comfort zones dealing with the bugs, and trusting that our church family would take care of each other.  Which we did, which we do. There were some conflicts, but folks kept open minds and sought support to overcome challenges.  I saw individuals in need and others flock to support them.


Similar to our life and community here at our church.  We see needs or gaps and we empower each other to fill them.  My gratitude is plentiful.  I am grateful for the opportunity to have worked hand in hand with Juliette to plan and replan and organize and reorganize; similar to how I have been able to connect with Marty over this past year.  We processed and reprocessed and supported each other. I was able to see all sorts of leadership and emerging leadership.  So many folks picked up the slack and used their skills.  Robyn, Rachel, Erin, Pat, Kathryn and of course the woman in the kitchen, Mickey.  It is like our church life.  Folks pitching in their skill sets where needed.  Giving of our money and time and talent.  It takes, yes, all, to create this intentional church community.  I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to be in leadership in this church.  I know there are many challenges and opportunities approaching our community in the next year or so. I am looking forward to the teamwork and creative problem solving.  Mostly I am looking forward to our intentional Church  community. 


In love and light,

Sayer Johnson, Past President

A First Glance


This is the place in the newsletter where Rev. Khleber Van Zandt’s column would usually be.  However, Khleber is away on vacation.  Check this space next month for a new column from Khleber.


In Khleber’s words “See you in church.”



Watch the Fireworks from the Church Lawn

July 3


Camping Ministries will be welcoming our Alton neighbors to the church and selling soda, cookies, hotdogs and red, white and blue bracelets to create a budget for Camping Ministries.


All donations of soda, hot dogs and cookies welcome!  See Sayer or Juliette for more details. Please consider bringing a chair or blanket and joining us for Alton's Firework display.


Fireworks usually begin around 9 pm, but come early and enjoy the summer evening with friends.

July 28

 Work Day


There’s always outdoor work to be done around the church.  Come from 9 am to noon to lend a hand, and stay for the 4th Saturday Lunch.


Bring gloves and personal yard tools if you have them. 





Send Newsletter items by the 15th of each month

to the newsletter editor,

Mary Johnson

and also to Becky Green in the church office

Church phone:  618-462-2462

Mail: PO Box 494, Alton IL 62002

The congregation’s sympathy goes out to Sharon Johnson and her family on the death of her step-father, John Bartle, on May 25.





Landis Casner, the son of Denise Maxwell and Michael & Dianne Casner, died on May 21 in Tempe Arizona at the age of 24.  Landis was in our RE program as a child and was well remembered by long-time members of the congregation.  Rev. Van Zandt conducted a memorial service for Landis on June 11 attended by family and many friends.





Parents Seeking Peace Chalice Circle

will not meet in July.



THE Belleville Area Chalice CIRCLE will not meet in July.



Renegade Women’s Chalice Circle

Every 3rd Saturday. (Note place change.)

Saturday , JULY 21 at Princivalli’s Café (3rd and Henry Sts. in Alton) 11:30 a.m. Contact Beth Bourland for further information.




The GLBT Chalice Circle

The last Sunday of the month.

Sunday, JULY 29 at 11:15 am. Contact Staci Bratten.

Your Church Board



President                        Marty Johnson

President Elect              Jennifer Timpe

Past President                Sayer Johnson

Secretary                        Sarah Lazarz

Treasurer                       MichelleBryant Barbeau

Trustee                           Kelly Crone-Willis

Trustee                           Sandy Shaner

Youth Rep.                     Lily Tade


Board meetings are the 2nd Monday each month at 7 pm and are open to the church members.





Jennifer Timpe

  Michelle Bryant Barbeau

  Sandy Shaner

Kelly Crone-Willis




Cheryle Tucker-Loewe

Jerry Johnson

Jim Moore

Don Allen



Medical Mission to Guatemala


Once again church member Mona Hebert will be going on a medical mission trip to Guatemala from August 4 – 12.  Last year they saw about 850 patients and this year they have added a dentist and a nephrologist to their team so they hope to be able to care for about 1000 patients.  For hygienic purposes, they want to be able to give person or every family toothbrushes, a large tube of toothpaste, and soap.  Mona would greatly appreciate any contributions of toothbrushes, toothpaste and soap.  If members of the church would prefer to give her money, she will purchase these items from Dollar Tree stores.

 Mona and the people of Guatemala thank you! Birthdays


Most people enjoy getting a card, email, or phone call on their birthday.  Below is the list we have of church members and friends celebrating birthdays this month.  If you don’t think the church office has your birthday on file, please contact Becky Green at and give her that information.


7/01    Stacey Wolff

7/06    Joan Hashimi

7/08    Kay Ott

7/09    Jonah Koch, (11)

7/15    Paul Berney

7/16    Claire Grippi, (5)

7/18    Dick Blanton

7/20    Kevin Mccarthy

7/21    Paula Moore

7/22    Kati Prado, (8)

7/23    Dan Conniff

7/23    Catherine Oldt, (16)

7/23    Veronica Schoenborn

7/24    Midge Hallett

7/26    Lyric Johnson, (4)

7/26    Cheryle Tucker-Loewe

7/28    Erkin Baker

7/28    Patricia Fischer

7/29    Grace Madison

7/30    Alex Hoeft, (19)




Interest Groups NOT MEETING in July


Anna Ds – next meeting is Thursday, September 6.


50+ Forum – next meeting is Saturday, August 4.


Men’s Lunch Group – next meeting date/place to be determined.  The St. Louis Buffet has closed.


General Information: 

One-half of the cash collection and one-half of any undesignated checks put in the collection on the 2nd and 4th Sundays are given away to charitable causes.  The entire amount of a check designated for a specific cause is donated to that cause.  The money donated does not include pledge checks or money otherwise earmarked by the giver.



If you have a suggestion about an organization we should support with our Community Outreach Offering in the new church year please contact Cheryle Tucker-Loewe, our Social Justice Chair.


July’s COO will go to Women for Women International that provides women survivors of war, civil strife and other conflicts with the tools and resources to move from crisis and poverty to stability and self-sufficiency, thereby promoting viable civil societies.
 Outreach Offering

4th Saturday Lunch –

July 28

Trish Botsko is now the 4th Saturday Lunch Coordinator


There will be a “food needed” signup sheet in the Kate Wuerker Room.  Please contribute something to the meal and stay to share lunch with our guests.


Helping at our 4th Saturday Lunch is a way you can contribute your time and talent and also share life stories with our guests whom you might otherwise never meet.


At these lunches we also give out personal care items such as toilet paper, shampoo, soap, toothpaste, feminine hygiene products, etc.  Please donate some of these basic need items.  Sabrina Trupia collects and organizes the personal care items.

Campfest Poem


Delores Ele


The mountaintops’ woodland trees

Offer sanctuary

Relax, let go of things that bother you


Let the campfire smoke arising

From embers that glow orange red

Carry away all your troubles tonight


Laughter wafting

From the waters of the pool

Fade into sleep for the night


The sky’s blood color

Bleeds through gaps

Between the leaves rustling in the breeze


Eat the delicious food –

Mexican tonight –

Let all your worries take their final flight


The trees’ arms frame

The fullish moon and attendant clouds

Later the Big Dipper takes that stage


Dream another existence

Start today and renew


Dream another life

Soar high and far and fast

Heart, mind spirit – heal


Dream another reality

Where hearts entwine

And all can fly


Dream another time

When people support one another

In good times and bad.


A place and time like this!!!



(Delores also says
“Thanks goes to Pat Moore for getting me off the mountain top in a nearly two hour trip back to Alton to the emergency room as I was passing a kidney stone.
Luckily one piece of technology worked up there:   our cars!)


Below is the current list of members of the Caring Ministries Committee.   You may always contact one of them in time of illness, loss, crisis, or other need.   Keep this list of contact people available in case you or your family is in need of pastoral support. July RE Program News & Notes



Summer RE Program Calendar

·         Summer Break June 3 through July 8 — teachers take a well-deserved break!  There is no RE Program planned during these weeks — children remain in the sanctuary with their family.

·         Pre K-K — Spirit Play July 15 - Sep 2.  If we get enough volunteers, Amelia McCarthy has volunteered to teach Spirit Play periodically during the summer.  So Spirit Play will resume July 15 and continue most Sundays through Sep 2 — keep watch on the weekly e-mail to view the weekly schedule.

·         Grades 1-6 — Keepers of the Earth July 15 - Sep 2 — A Native American look at the nature of earth and human society; 10 a.m., in the Emerson Place Room, led by Steven Mead, DRE.

·         Youth Group does not plan to meet during the summer.

·         Nursery care is provided all summer long.


Summer Teaching Volunteers

Summer teaching is simplest of all — sign up for just one Sunday — no preparation necessary, just come and have some fun.  You will be helping with either with Spirit Play led by Amelia McCarthy, or Keepers of the Earth curricula, led by Steven Mead.  Sign up is in the Kate Wueker Room on the easel cleverly labeled Teacher Recruitment!


A New Classroom!

We are adding a new classroom for our 7 - 8th graders this fall.  We are creating this space from the RE Resource Room.  We are asking for the following donations for this room and for our other three classrooms:

  1. Gently used, durable couches — about 2
  2. Large, gently used area rugs or carpet — 9x12 only — 3
  3. Maybe a low cabinet or hallway table
  4. Hanging art/posters suitable for 7-8th graders

We do not need a table or any plants.   We have no place to store these items until the space is prepared (sometime in August).   Do not bring any furnishings without first talking to Steven Mead.


2012-2013 Teaching — Participate on First Unitarian’s Teaching Ministry Team

The religious education of the children and youth in our church school is the responsibility of the entire congregation.  This cooperative concept implies that everyone is invested in a commitment to excellence in religious education — the nurturing of young minds and sacred souls.  Our program relies on this community spirit — it relies on the belief that this is our church school and we are all involved in it.  Our children benefit because they encounter a wider cross-section of adults than they might otherwise.  Adults benefit, not only because they are interacting with joyous and curious young people, but because they also get a chance to see how Unitarian Universalist religious education is taught, what UU values are, and more about UU history than they may have learned before. 


Teachers are supported throughout the year by materials, curriculum, staff, and fellow teachers.  Deepen your relationship to one another, to our community, and your faith experience.  With a full complement of teachers (around 30+), teaching is a commitment of about 12 - 15 Sundays out of 52.  To volunteer, put your name on the sign-up sheets in the Kate Wuerker Room or contact Steven Mead, Director of Religious Education (DRE).  Nine of 30 volunteers have committed to next year so far.


Steven Mead, DRE

314.239.5694 (cell)

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