Congregation established 1836


Newsletter of the

First Unitarian Church, Alton, Illinois


Rev. Khleber Van Zandt, Minister

Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.

July 2006

July 2nd

“Who is the Real, 4th of July, Flag-waving, Apple Pie Patriot?”

Mary Johnson


This sermon was written by The Rev. Michael McGee of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington, VA and is being used with his permission.  We’ll hear about three kinds of patriots, and be reminded of three of the principles of this nation – that we are a democracy, that we are a nation of laws, and that we must preserve the separation of church and state.

Mary, and her husband Jerry, joined this church in January 1979.  She is currently the church’s Newsletter Editor and Chair of the Growth Committee.  She is the Library Director at the Missouri Institute of Mental Health


July 9th

“Einstein’s Legacy”

Ted Loucks


If Albert Einstein were alive today, we might say that he “thinks outside of the box.”  What can Einstein’s novel ideas about physics, peace, and religion teach us a century later?

Ted is currently Information Services Director at Tyco Healthcare/Mallinckrodt in St. Louis.  He holds bachelors degrees in physics and mathematics from Butler University and a doctorate in applied mathematics from Washington University.  Ted is a life-long Unitarian and has been a member of this church since 1999.





July 16th

“The Thoughts of a Buddhist Unitarian Universalist”

Suganya Dhanamitt


We’ll learn how a Buddhist background in many ways fits right into the UU teachings and traditions.

Suganya is the mother of three children, Ben, Guy, and Jane.  She and her husband, Andy Russo, joined the Church in January 2005.


July 23rd

Thy Will Be Done:” A Sweet Surrender

Beth Nalick


An anxiety-ridden, mentally and emotionally exhausted menopausal control freak finds herself more and more surrendering to “A Higher Power.”  Join her as she questions her sanity on her journey for peace in the twilight zone.

Beth has been a member of this church for a little more than a year.  She is a New Orleans native.  When she married Dennis Nalick she retired from teaching, moved to Alton and has lived here for five years.  She has two children, Meredith and Emma Ray, and is the church’s Adult RE Chairperson and President-elect.  She has a passion for social justice and is looking for other like-minded souls who will join her in righting the wrongs of the world.


July 30th

“Is Lammas a Holiday?”

Mark Wolff


What is Lammas?  What are holidays and what do they tell us about ourselves.

Mark is involved in various activities at our church, especially in Religious Education.  He and his wife Stacey have two children, Freya and Eowyn.  He works as a government analyst and recently received a Masters degree from SIU-Carbondale.

Adult Religious Enrichment

9:30 a.m.


Childcare is available during these programs.



July 2nd 


In Search of the Historical Jesus.

This is an ongoing series looking at who Jesus might have been from a purely historical perspective. Facilitator:  Beth Nalick



July 9th  


Breaking Free: Women of Spirit at Midlife and Beyond. 

This is the first in a five session series bringing women together to discuss aging as the development of character, a breaking free of constraints, and an opportunity to deepen their spiritual lives.  Session 1:  Creating lifelines.  FacilitatorBeth Nalick.



July 16th


Understanding the Bible.

This is the last in a series based on a book written by the Rev. John Buehrens, former president of the Unitarian Universalist Association. Facilitator:  Gerry Gilman.



July 23rd


What the Bleep Do We Know?

A workshop that explores the provocative questions, claims and research cited in the file.  Facilitator: TBA



July 30th


In Search of the Historical Jesus.

This is an ongoing series looking at who Jesus might have been from a purely historical perspective. Facilitator:  Beth Nalick





Planning Ahead – Committee Meetings

August 6th  – 9:00 a.m.



A First Glance

A couple of years ago, my father gave me the inheritance I’ve looked forward to most of my life - a century-old roll-top desk.  This desk had belonged to my great-great-grandfather when he was president of Fort Worth National Bank, one of the businesses he founded as Fort Worth was becoming a trading center on the Texas frontier. 

My father remembers the desk residing in the foyer of the bank when he was a little boy.  After I was born, my dad acquired the desk from other relatives and I remember it being a fixture in our home as I was growing up.  In fact, my dad was sitting at this desk sometime in the late 1950’s when I asked him if he could help me buy a book about model rocketry.  For some reason, he said yes.  I don’t know how much that act contributed to my pursuit of degrees in engineering, but I know it helped me feel loved in a special way.

This month, I pulled the desk out of our basement and began the process of refinishing it.  I know, I know - refinishing lessens the value of antiques.  But this desk had already been poorly “refinished” at some point; big drips of shellac marred the finish and made the roll top unusable.  I scrubbed and scrubbed the solid oak with a chemical refinisher that doesn’t so much remove the finish as blend it back into the surface of the wood.  The result is a piece of furniture that, when completely done, I will be proud to use as my father had done and as my great-great-grandfather had done before him.

As I scrubbed the surface of the desk and worked at blending the finishes into the wood, it occurred to me how like our religious tradition this desk is. 

The desk, and our traditions, are solid and substantial - we can and should be proud, as I am of this desk, of the traditions handed down to us.  But sometimes we may find that it takes a little scrubbing to make them usable - not everything we’ve inherited works for us the way we need it to in our own day and age. 

It is, in the final analysis, up to us to polish our heritage for our use today and then, when the time comes, to let it go and hand it on to those who will come after us.

May we know when to scrub and polish, and when to let go.


See you in church,


Church Work Day – Saturday July 8th


A Work Day is planned at the church for July 8th.  There are lots of projects to be done.  This is a chance for those of you who signed up at the Volunteer Faire to get started on your chosen jobs, and a chance for others to sign up or just help out.  Our church building needs you to help keep it looking beautiful.  My philosophy is that everyone is on the Building and Grounds Committee.


We have some painting projects to do, some gardening, windows to wash, some cleaning, and some repairs.  We especially need some people who know how to install electrical fixtures and someone with a truck who can do a little light hauling.  If you are planning on gardening, please bring your own tools.


Work will start at 9 a.m. and go until 3 p.m. or so.  If you can’t come for the whole day, come for the morning or the afternoon.  Please bring your own lunch if you plan to stay all day.  Child care will be available if you notify me a week ahead.


Pat Moore

Building and Grounds Chair





Welcome to Church Membership


Annie Kelley

from Bunker Hill, IL

(joined 6/11/06)


David Charlton

from Pontoon Beach, IL

(joined 6/11//06)


                        Elaine Charlton

from Pontoon Beach, IL

(joined 6/11/06)


We’re glad you’ve become members of our growing church family!

Thumbnail Sketch of Upcoming Events

Read details in other parts of the newsletter.



Mon.,  July 3rd Alton Fireworks Display – Evening.

Tues., July 4th  – UU Pagans – 7:00 p.m.

Sat.,    July 8th  – Work Day at church – 9:00 a.m.

Tues., July 11th – Men’s Lunch at the Golden Corral – 11:30 a.m.

Tues., July 11th – Board meeting – 7:00 p.m.

Fri.,     July 14th – Movie night – 7:00 p.m.

Wed.,  July 19th – International Lunch – 11:30 a.m.

Sun.,   July 23rd – Potluck Lunch at church – 11:45 a.m.

Sat.,    July 29th –  Church picnic and pool party – 4 p.m.

Sun.,   Aug. 6th – Committee meetings – 9:00 a.m.


Alton Fireworks Display

July 3rd 


Every year, a hundred or so people bring blankets and chairs and gather on our church lawn to watch the fireworks over the Mississippi River below the church.  For many years the church has had a lemonade stand for this event, selling beverages and sweet treats.  We’re asking church folks to bring a pan of brownies and / or Rice Krispie treats.  Please bring them pre-cut in 3” x 3”squares and pre-wrapped 2 per baggie.  The fireworks probably won’t start until around 9:00 p.m. but we will be ready for sales by 7:00 p.m.  People usually come early to get a place to sit and have a chance to socialize.  Assistance will be appreciated in staffing the lemonade stand and in keeping up with the lemonade making.  If you are willing to help, please let Mary Johnson know at  If you do not plan to attend the evening’s fireworks display you may bring your brownies to church on July 2nd.








Here are the names of church members and friends who are celebrating birthdays this month.  If this is ‘your month’ and your name didn’t get included, we’re sorry.  For future months please let Mary Johnson know your birth month and day. (


  1 July – Stacey Wolff

  6 July – Brandon Harris (1995)

  7 July – Lois Fischer

  8 July – Kay Ott

  9 July – Lucy McAneny

10 July – Zack Alton (1999)

14 July – Brian Salisbury

15 July – Paul Berney

15 July – Chris Ilweski-Huelsmann

22 July – Hugh Hallett

24 July – Irene Mondhink

24 July – Midget Hallett

25 July – Nelson Shaner

26 July – Cheryle Tucker-Loewe

28 July – Erkin Baker

29 July – Grace Madison

30 July – Alex Hoeft (1993)





International Lunch Group

July 19th


A date has been selected for the next international lunch – Wednesday, July 19th – but the restaurant has not as yet been selected.  Cathy Tade will be sending out .information about the location for the July gathering.  If you have any suggestions or have a favorite international lunch spot, let Cathy know. (

Movie Night

Friday – July 14th

7:00 p.m.


“What the Bleep Do we Know? – Part 2”


A follow-up to the movie shown in May, the second film continues with in-depth interviews of sixteen of the world’s top scientists, journalists and mystics, who talk about consciousness, psi research, physics, biology, emotion and addictions.



Anna D’s Women’s Alliance


The Anna D’s will not meet in July or August.  Their next lunch meeting will be on September 7th at Corinne Hawkins’ home.   Details will be in the August newsletter along with the year’s schedule of meeting dates and places.







The church picnic is scheduled for

 Saturday, July 29th

4:00 p.m. –  8:00 p.m.

at the

 Recreational Facility and Pool at SIUE


Please bring a pot luck dish if you are able.

Grilling facilities will be available.

There will be activities and games for one and all.

Rumor has it that a music circle will be forming
that evening – so if you play an instrument,
be sure and bring it.



Dear Parents and Friends,


Our summer session of RE has now started, and I hope that everyone is happy with how it is going.  There are still a few volunteer spots left to fill this summer.  Please see the sign up sheet in the Wuerker Room for dates that are still available.  If no one signs up for a week, then there will not be RE on that Sunday.


In addition to our new summer chapels, we will also be doing our annual read-to-feed to benefit Heifer International.  More information is available on this program in the Wuerker Room.  We are asking that anyone who wishes to donate makes a flat pledge to the group as a whole instead of pledging on a by-the-book basis. The children really enjoy getting to pick out animals to buy for families at the end of the summer.  Last year they were able to buy a water buffalo which was their goal.  This year I hope that they can buy a cow ($500).


As we look ahead into next year, we will have one more classroom in use than we did previously.  To that end, we could use some furniture.  If you have any furniture that you would be willing to donate, please come and talk to me.  Please do not bring in the furniture without talking to me, as it will be necessary to have a spot planned to put it before it arrives to ensure that it is not in the way.


I still have some openings left for teachers for next year both at 9:30 a.m. and at 10:30 a.m.  Each teacher will be given a youth mentor as their assistant to make the job run more smoothly.  If you are interested in assisting in furthering our children's religious education, please come and talk to me about how you can help.  I would love to match your interests.


Thank you, Jamie Gross



In Our Church Family


Congratulations to Nancee Magilson and Mark Antieau who welcomed their first grandchild, Addisyn Cecille Boelter on June 6th (yes, 6/6/06).  Nancee says Addisyn was a healthy, 7 pound, 1 ounce girl, and looks angelic despite the birthdate!

Directory Updates


Please add these new members to your 2006 Church Directory.  


Kelly, Annie* and Patrick


Charlton, David* and Elaine*


Please Note:  The 2007 Church Directory will be published in the month of July.  If you have any corrections or additions, please call or email the church office. 



Men’s Lunch Group

The Men’s Lunch Group will meet at 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, July 11th at the Golden Corral, 2723 Corner Court on Homer Adams Parkway next to Halpin Music in Alton.  This lunch meeting is planned as a regular event on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.




Sunday Pot Luck Lunch


July 23rd – the 4th Sunday


Bring a dish to share and plan to stay after church to join in food and fellowship.


A-L will do Clean Up

M-Z will do Table Set Up


Everyone will be responsible for setting food out on the buffet table.




Will be having their regular monthly meeting on


Tuesday, July 4th

7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. at the church


Join them for ritual and conversation.

Childcare and refreshments will be provided.


For further information contact Stacey Wolff





There will be no Choir Rehearsals in July.  Rehearsals will begin again in August.   If you’re interested in learning more about joining the choir, contact

Willis McCoy






Newsletter Deadline

Send Newsletter items by 15th of the month to the Church office AND to the Editor.

First Unitarian Church (618) 462-2462

PO Box 494, Alton, IL 62002



Editor: Mary Johnson



To Contact Rev. Khleber Van Zandt


Cell Phone:

Missouri – 314-223-0551

Illinois – 618-520-0567





June 13th Board Meeting

Summarized by the newsletter editor.

For a copy of the complete minutes, contact Mary Weber.


From Becky Green:

Barrett’s installed the new air conditioner in the RE Wing.  The new photocopier is here and Becky is preparing a “quick guide” to its use.  There will be a new church directory printed in July.


From Khleber Van Zandt:

A new area clergy caucus made up of ministers from the Alton/Godfrey area will be meeting at our church on July 3rd.


From Marcia Custer (Member Committee)

In the new church year Lorna McElhone will be coordinating Fellowship Activities; Brynda McCoy will be coordinating Sunday coffee hosting.  The Committee hopes to soon identify a kitchen manager, a new member mentor coordinator, a nursery liaison and a caring coordinator manager.  Volunteers for these positions welcomed.


From Beth Nalick (Adult Religious Enrichment)

Ron Glossop will be doing Forum discussions every 3rd Sunday beginning in September. 


From Pat Moore (Building and Grounds)

The next big project will be the renovation of the façade on Alby St.


New Business:

Sandra Shaner will be Chair of the Finance Committee.  Diane Thompson will be the Assistant Treasurer.

It was suggested that the web site provide a link to show the sanctuary and provide information about weddings.  A wedding coordinator might also be needed.

A concern was expressed about lighting in the sanctuary.  The wattage of the bulbs being used will be checked to see if a higher wattage might be used.

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