Flower garden in front of the church.

Newsletter of the

First Unitarian Church,

Alton, Illinois


Rev. Khleber Van Zandt, Minister

June 2012



Each Sunday

June 3rd through September 2nd



Celebration of Summer!




Adult Religious Enrichment (ARE)

9:00 am

June 3 and 17;  July 1, 15, and 29


Eric Johnson and Michelle Bryant-Barbeau will be teaching from the book, “ Learning to be White” by Thandeka.




To Contact Rev. Khleber Van Zandt


Cell Phone:

Missouri – 314-223-0551

Illinois – 618-520-0567

And a Special Sunday -


On Pride Weekend,

June 24, 2012,

You Have A Choice:


Come to church and join us at 10 am

for a worship service at church,


--  OR  --


Come to Tower Grove Park in Saint Louis for

Worship in the Park


Rev. Khleber Van Zandt


Bring chairs or blankets to sit on. 

Following the service we will march in the Pride Parade for the 6th year in a row.  The parade begins at noon near Gravois and Grand in South St. Louis City, proceeds north on Grand and ends north of Arsenal near Magnolia.  Further details and parade meeting place will be announced later.


Are You Interested in

Getting More Involved in

Social Justice efforts?


Learn how by coming to a meeting with the new Social Justice Chair, Cheryle Tucker-Loewe, on Sunday, June 10 at 11:15 in Emerson Place.





Congregation Approves Go-Ahead on Capital Campaign Funded Projects


At the Church’s Annual Meeting on Sunday, May 20, the members in attendance unanimously approved starting work on the building projects proposed by the Ad Hoc Architecture Committee.


The package approved included:  replacing the roof over the Kate Wuerker Room and the RE Wing; renovating the RE wing with new windows and façade; remodeling the kitchen; providing  handicapped accessible parking near the church; creating a safe play area in the back yard; and upgrading /repairing our HVAC system.  It is estimated that these projects will cost $240,500.


To date the Capital Campaign has received $252,375 in pledges to cover three years, and has received $128,782 on payment of those pledged.


If you have not yet made a pledge to the Capital Campaign, please talk with Mary Johnson about how you can contribute.

    A First Glance

A while back, Linda and I took a scenic route home from church and ended up crossing the Mississippi on the Brussels Ferry out west of Alton.  We have been on many ferries since, but back then I hadn’t been on one in a long time.  Linda said she had never been on one before – apparently her family stayed as far from water as they could for some reason.  So when we drove onto the ferry and the platform started to move out into the current, we were both paying pretty close attention.

We could see through the railings that the river was going one direction, the trees on the bank seemed to be going another, and our car was going up and down with the motion of the ferry on the waves.  With a look of some trepidation, Linda said, “The world doesn’t look like it’s going the way I expect it to.”

Maybe without meaning to, I think she was articulating a much deeper truth:  so often, just when you think you’ve got some clue about what might happen, something comes along to shake the world up and give you a ride you haven’t anticipated.

Sometimes it’s a pleasant surprise:  the ferryboat ride across the big river that day was fun, the afternoon with friends was invigorating, and the whole drive through the hills and dales overlooking the river road was beautiful and inspiring.

Sometimes it’s not so pleasant; sometimes we have to deal with illness, economic difficulties, family issues.  Uncertainty and loss can come in many shades and in many varieties.

To the emotionally mature and spiritually astute, the fact that we have no control over these things should come as no surprise.  But alas, it continues to whop me up ’side the head daily that I am not in control, that I can’t think my way out of every situation, that the world isn’t always going to go the way I expect it to.

The Buddha said that attachment is the cause of suffering.  Whether it’s natural disaster or global warming, great personal loss or little inconveniences of daily life, we get attached and then feel bad because we can only do what we can do.  The more we demand that our expectations be met, the more we suffer.  In my humble opinion, that’s no reason to refuse to act.

I am reminded of the quotation from the eighteenth-century Unitarian minister Edward Everett Hale: “I am only one, but still I am one.  I cannot do everything, but still I can do something.  And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.”

The world may not go the way we expect, for better or worse.  We’re not in control, and yet we still shoulder responsibility.  We could do worse than follow the advice of Winston Churchill:  “If you're going through hell, keep going.”


See you in church,


Choir Rehearsal Schedule


There will be no Choir rehearsals in June or July.   Rehearsals will begin again in August.


For further information, contact Willis McCoy.

 June 23rd Work Day


There’s always outdoor work to be done around the church.   Come from 9 am to noon to lend a hand, and stay for the 4th Saturday Lunch.


Bring gloves and personal yard tools if you have them. 





HSN_Logo_fullSocial Justice Initiative Praised in The Alton Telegraph


The Homeowners’ Support Network, a project originating from our church to help homeowners facing foreclosure, received a long write up in the May 2 Telegraph and a “Rose” from the Telegraph in their May 5 editorial section.


If you are interested in learning more about this Support Network, contact Diane Thompson.




Directory Update


Betty Yakubian has a new address in

Houston, TX 77056

She’d enjoy hearing from church friends.

Please contact the church office for details.


Paula Moore Tarbell has changed her name to Paula Moore.   Please update your directory.

Your Church Board



President                        Sayer Johnson

President Elect              Marty Moore Johnson

Past President                Cheryle Tucker-Loewe

Secretary                        Sarah Lazarz

Treasurer                       Jerry Johnson

Trustee                          Jim Moore

Trustee                           Don Allen

Youth Rep.                     Lily Tade


Board meetings are the 2nd Wednesday each month at 7 pm
and are open to the church members.





The congregation elected following people at the church’s Annual Meeting on May 20, 2012.
The terms will begin on July 1, 2012.


Board Members

President Elect:  Jennifer Timpe

Treasurer:  Michelle Bryant Barbeau

Trustee:  Sandy Shaner

An additional trustee will be elected at a later date.


Sayer will become Past President and Marty will become President when the new church year begins on July 1.


Nominating Committee

Marcia Custer

Eric Johnson



We extend our sympathy to Char McAllister and Lee Suarez at the death of Char’s mother, Lillian McAllister, of Pittsfield, IL.


Mrs. McAllister, aged 90, passed away on May 18.  Her obituary, found on the Niebur Funeral Homes website, shows a life well lived.   Ms. McAllister was active in her church, in Home Extension, in 4-H, and volunteered for the Red Cross, and the American Cancer Society, and was a correspondent for the local newspapers.   She also had a catering business before she retired.   She was a poet of some note, having received several awards.




Renegade Women’s Chalice Circle

Every 3rd Saturday.

Saturday , JUNE 16 from noon to 2 pm.

Contact Beth Bourland for further information.



Parents Seeking Peace Chalice Circle   Every 3rd Sunday.

Sunday, JUNE 17 from 11:15 to 12:30 pm in Emerson Place at Church.  
Contact: Diane Thompson or Sayer Johnson.



Belleville Chalice Circle

Every 3rd Thursday.

T hursday, JUNE 21 at 7 pm.   Contact Don or Jan Allen for the location.



The GLBT Chalice Circle will not meet in June due to the Pride Parade in St. Louis being on the day of the regular meeting .   Contact Staci Bratten .





News from Ruth Shaw about Abigel Kiss


Abigel, the daughter of a Transylvanian Unitarian minister, was sponsored by Ruth Shaw and other members of our church to attend Cottey College in Nevada MO.   After graduating in 2002 she went on to a four year college and earned her degree.  She has since married, has two children, and lives on the east coast.    Her father, Rev. Alpar Kiss, will be coming to the U.S. in September to celebrate the 20 year partnership between his church in Transylvania and the UU church in Summit NJ.

June Birthdays


Most people enjoy getting a card, email, or phone call on their birthday.  Below is the list we have of church members and friends celebrating birthdays this month.  If you don’t think the church office has your birthday on file, please contact Becky Green at and give her that information.


01-Jun     Sayer Johnson

03-Jun     Kris Tucker-Loewe

04-Jun     Marcia Custer

04-Jun     Jennifer Herndon

04-Jun     Mark Wolff

06-Jun     Ella Chapman Baker,    (2000)

07-Jun     Jan Allen

07-Jun     Ruth Shaw

09-Jun     Wayne Politsch

12-Jun     Will Adams    (2005)

12-Jun     Trish Botsko

12 Jun     Honor Dimick    (2000)

13-Jun     Samuel Berkley    (2002)

17-Jun     Ryan Wucher    (2000)

20-Jun     James Hull    (2005)

20-Jun     Victor Hull    (2005)

20-Jun     Meridith Koch    (2000)

20-Jun     Abigail White    (2009)

21-Jun     Justin Herndon    (2008)

21-Jun     Joy Hoeft

21-Jun     Beth Koval

22-Jun     Cole Chapman    (2002)

24-Jun     Devin Johnson    (2000)

25-Jun     Mandan Kirk

27-Jun     Amy Andrews

29-Jun     Charlie Chapman Utgaard     (2004)

30 Jun     Brianna Bennet    (2011)

30-Jun     Ruth Maskow

Medical Mission to Guatamala


Once again church member Mona Hebert will be going on a medical mission trip to Guatemala from August 4 – 12.  Last year they saw about 850 patients and this year they have added a dentist and a nephrologist to their team so they hope to be able to care for about 1000 patients.  For hygienic purposes, they want to be able to give person or every family toothbrushes, a large tube of toothpaste, and soap.  Mona would greatly appreciate any contributions of toothbrushes, toothpaste and soap.  If members of the church would prefer to give her money, she will purchase these items from Dollar Tree stores.


Mona and the people of Guatemala thank you!




 UUA President Applauds Statement on Same Sex Marriage by President Obama -  May 9, 2012

The following statement was issued by Unitarian Universalist Association President Rev. Peter Morales:

President Obama’s announcement today that he supports the right of same sex couples to marry is a courageous step forward in the direction of justice and equality for all Americans. I applaud the President’s decision to declare his support for the freedom to marry for all loving couples. Like many Americans, President Obama says his position on this issue has evolved over the years, and today it seems clear that the arc of the universe is bending toward justice.

The Unitarian Universalist Association called for the freedom to marry for same-sex couples in 1996. Unitarian Universalists will continue to stand on the side of love for marriage equality until the freedom to marry belongs to all.

Community Outreach Offering


General Information: 

One-half of the cash collection and one-half of any undesignated checks put in the collection on the 2nd and 4th Sundays are given away to charitable causes.  The entire amount of a check designated for a specific cause is donated to that cause.  The money donated does not include pledge checks or money otherwise earmarked by the giver.



If you have a suggestion about an organization we should support with our Community Outreach Offering in the new church year please contact Cheryle Tucker-Loewe, our Social Justice Chair.



In June the Community Outreach Offering will go to Land of Lincoln Legal Assistance Foundation.  They provide free civil legal services to low-income persons and senior citizens in 65 counties in central and southern Illinois.  Their mission is to pursue civil justice for low-income persons through representation and education.

Their goals are:
• to promote economic security, adequate shelter and health care;
• to alleviate domestic violence and improve family stability; and
• to advance the interests of vulnerable populations.


Their Alton office is in the Miller’s Mutual building adjacent to the church.  If you are in need of legal assistance call (618) 462-0029 or (800) 642-5570



Don’t Forget the

Book Sale Shelf!


There’s lots of good fiction and non-fiction available on the Book Sale shelf.  Buy yourself some summer reading and add to the church’s coffers.


Also – don’t forget to check out the church library for a variety of titles dealing with religion and spirituality.

4th Saturday Lunch – June 23



Trish Botsko is now the 4th Saturday Lunch Coordinator. 


There will be a meal signup sheet in the Kate Wuerker Room.  Sign up to bring something and stay to share lunch with our guests.  Helping at our 4th Saturday Lunches is a way you can contribute your time and talent and also share life stories with our guests whom you might otherwise never meet.


At these Lunches we also give out personal care items such as toilet paper, shampoo, soap, toothpaste, feminine hygiene products, etc.  So please consider donating some basic need items.  Sabrina Trupia organizes the distribution of these items.


“Getting to Know You”


Marci and Brian Bennett, from Holiday Shores are two of our newest members.  Brian is a postal worker stationed at Hazelwood and Marci is a RN at Anderson Hospital.  They have a daughter, Brianna, 10 years old, but, for a long time, they had wanted to add to their family by adopting.  However, adoption proved to be prohibitively expensive, so they decided to look into foster caring.  Foster care brought them two more beautiful daughters, Laney, 4 years old, and Alyssa, 17 months, and also directly lead to their discovery of our church.  The Kirks, Mandan and Heather, were in the same fostering classes and recommended that they check us out.  Luckily, they were pleased with what they found here.  So we are pleased to welcome the Bennetts to our church family. 



Central Midwest District

Summer WomanSpirit 2012

The Web of Sisterhood


Friday, July 27 through Sunday, July 29
at Ronora Lodge Watervliet, MI


For more information go to

Below is the current list of members of the Caring Ministries Committee.  You may always contact one of them in time of illness, loss, crisis, or other need.  Keep this list of contact people available in case you or your family is in need of pastoral support.



Interest Groups



(Women’s Alliance Group)


The Anna Ds will meet at 11:30 am on Thursday, June 7th at Methodist Village (5201 Asbury in Godfrey).  Please purchase your lunch ticket ($6.75) from the reception desk as you come in.   Lorli Nelson is this month’s hostess.   RSVP by emailing Brynda McCoy or calling Lorli.   Please make your reservations by Monday, June 4. (50+) Forum

1st Saturday of each month


The “Fifty Plusers” will meet on Saturday, June 2 from 10:30 am to noon in the Kate Wuerker Room.  It will be a resource / information gathering and sharing meeting.


Afterwards, as always, those who can will continue the discussion over lunch. The Fifty-Plus Forum is coordinated by Sandy Shaner, Pat Murrell, and Mona Hebert. Men’s Lunch Group

2nd Thursday of each month


The Men’s Lunch Group will meet at 11:30 am on Thursday, June 14 at the St. Louis Buffet, 672 Wesley Dr., Wood River, IL.   Contact Dick Blanton for further details.   All Men in our Church Family are invited!








Send Newsletter items by the 15th of each month

to the newsletter editor, Mary Johnson

and also to Becky Green in the church office

Church phone:  618-462-2462

Mail: PO Box 494, Alton IL 62002

A Special Thank you to all of the folks on our Teaching Ministry Team this year from the Minister, DRE, and Congregation:


Alison Reiheld

Amanda Grippi

Amelia McCarthy

Amy McMurray

Bailey Brunner

Cathy Tade

Cheryle Tucker-Loewe

Debby Lovell

Donald Ingram

Eric Johnson

Erin Dimick

Eva Merrell

Jennifer Herndon

Juliette Crone-Willis

Kathryn Chapman

Kelly Crone-Willis

Leah Bailey

Linda Van Zandt

Lou Bailey

Mark Tade

Marty Johnson

Mary Johnson

Mary Weber

Matt Koch

Melody Hardman

Michelle Hudson

Neil Hershey

Paula Tarbell

Peg Flach

Rachel Lappin

Sayer Johnson

Suganya Dhanamitt

Tony Grippi

Tracey Howe-Koch

Trish Botsko June 2012 RE Program News & Notes




Summer RE Program Calendar

·         Summer Break June 3 through July 8 — teachers take a well-deserved break!  There is no RE Program planned during these weeks — children remain in the sanctuary with their family.

·         Pre K-K — Spirit Play.  If we get enough volunteers, Amelia McCarthy has volunteered to teach Spirit Play throughout the summer.  So Spirit Play may resume either June 3 or July 15 — keep watch on the weekly e-mail to view the final schedule

·         Grades 1-6 — Keepers of the Earth — A Native American look at the nature of earth and human society; begins July 15, 10 am, in the Emerson Place Room, led by Steven Mead, DRE

·         Youth Group does not plan to meet during the summer

·         Nursery care will be provided all summer long


Summer Teaching Volunteers

Summer teaching is simplest of all — sign up for just one Sunday — no preparation necessary, just come and have some fun.  You will be helping with Keepers of the Earth curriculum, led by Steven Mead.  Sign up is in the Kate Wueker Room on the easel cleverly labeled Teacher Recruitment!


A New Room!

We are adding a new classroom for our 7-8th graders this fall.  We are creating this space from the RE Resource Room.  We are asking for the following donations for this room and for our other three classrooms:

  1. Gently used, durable couches — about 4
  2. Large area rugs or carpet — 9x12 only — 3
  3. Maybe a low cabinet or hallway table
  4. Hanging art/posters suitable for 7-8th graders

We do not need a table or any plants.  We have no place to store these items until the space is prepared (sometime in August).  Do not bring any furnishings without talking to Steven Mead.


2012-2013 Teaching — Participate on First Unitarian’s Teaching Ministry Team

The religious education of the children and youth in our church school is the responsibility of the entire congregation.  This cooperative concept implies that everyone is invested in a commitment to excellence in religious education — the nurturing of young minds and sacred souls.  Our program relies on this community spirit — it relies on the belief that this is our church school and we are all involved in it.  Our children benefit because they encounter a wider cross-section of adults than they might otherwise.  Adults benefit, not only because they are interacting with joyous and curious young people, but because they also get a chance to see how Unitarian Universalist religious education is taught, what UU values are, and more about UU history than they may have learned before.


Teachers are supported throughout the year by materials, curriculum, staff, and fellow teachers.  Deepen your relationship to one another, to our community, and your faith experience.  With a full complement of teachers (around 30+), teaching is a commitment of about 12-15 Sundays out of 52.  To volunteer, put your name on the sign-up sheets in the Kate Wuerker Room or contact Steven Mead, Director of Religious Education (DRE).


Steven Mead, DRE

314.239.5694 (cell)

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