Congregation established 1836


Newsletter for
Members and Friends of the

First Unitarian Church, Alton, Illinois


Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.

April 2005

April 3rd

Test Everything … Hold Fast to the Good

The Rev. Richard Haynes


Part of Unitarian Universalist religious practice is to test everything. We do that very well. But every human, and every human community, has difficulty in holding fast to the good. Can our church life help us to resolve this tension? Can we learn to close the gap between who we want to be and who we really are?

Rev. Haynes is a 1995 graduate of Eden Seminary in Webster Groves, Mo. He is a Unitarian Universalist community minister who works in association with Eliot Chapel in Kirkwood. He was the first non-Catholic Chaplain hired by St. Joseph’s Hospital in Kirkwood and is currently employed at that institution. He also performs weddings and does marriage counseling in the St. Louis area.


April 10th

“The Secret Life of Bees”

Khleber M. Van Zandt V

The novel by this name is about love, race, class,

and growing up with violence.  We'll focus on author Sue Monk Kidd's treatment of
forgiveness and what it might mean in our individual and communal lives. Khleber suggests you might find it interesting to read the book before hearing his sermon about it.

April 17th

“America's Basic Religion”

Dr. Ronald Glossop

Ron will summarize and critique the 87-page book "America's Real Religion" by well-known Unitarian minister A. Powell Davies.  That 1949 book begins with this statement by Dwight D. Eisenhower as he became President of Columbia University, four years before becoming President of the United States: "I am the most intensely religious man I know.  Nobody goes through six years of war without faith. That doesn't mean that I adhere to any sect.  A democracy cannot exist without a religious base.  I believe in democracy."

April 24th

“Together Through the Forest”

Khleber M. Van Zandt V


This Earth Day we'll see what lessons we can take from the changing of the seasons and how to apply those to our work together.



Deadline: Send Newsletter items by 15th of the month to the Church office AND to the Editor.

First Unitarian Church (618) 462-2462

PO Box 494, Alton, IL 62002


Editor: Mary Johnson

Additional Sunday Morning Programming

9:00 & 9:30 a.m.



April 3rd - 9:00 a.m. - COMMITTEE SUNDAY. There is a list on the bulletin board in the Wuerker Room of all the committees. Find one that interests you and come on Sunday to learn more about it.


April 10th -

9:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. - 1st session of Introduction to Unitarian Universalism (UU 101).


9:30 a.m. - Meditation led by Ted and Pam Loucks.


April 17th -

9:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. - 2nd session of Introduction to Unitarian Universalism (UU 101).


9:30 a.m. - Adult RE - On-going study of the book by Dr. John Buehrens entitled, “Understanding the Bible.” Led by Gerry Gilman.


April 24th - Forum - 9:30 a.m. - “I am an Alcoholic.” An Alton church member discusses how AA continues to be his lifeline to sobriety.



Memorial Services

The Memorial Service for Joe Russo will be held at the church at 2:00 p.m. on

Saturday, April 2nd.


The Memorial Service for Dot Hull will be held at the church at 2:00 p.m. on

Saturday, April 16th.


The Ministerial Search Committee

announces that

Khleber M. Van Zandt V

is our

Ministerial Candidate


The Ministerial Search Committee is very happy to announce that Khleber M. Van Zandt V is our candidate to be the minister at the First Unitarian Church of Alton. We believe that his ministerial presence will provide the impetus for growth in our church community - growth in individual spiritual and intellectual thought, growth in community involvement, and an increase in the number of people recognizing this as their church home.

Khleber will graduate this May from Eden Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity degree. He has both a Bachelor of Science (1982) and a Master of Science (1983) in Industrial Engineering from the University of Texas at Arlington.


He joined Eliot Unitarian Chapel in 1984, and over the years at Eliot served on the Board of Trustees, and on many committees including Building and Grounds, Social Concerns, Music, and Communications as well as working for a time at Eliot as a staff member.


Khleber completed a year-long ministerial internship at the First Unitarian Church of Dallas in May 2004. In 2002 and 2003 he worked part-time as a Chaplain at Barnes Jewish Hospital and has also provided pastoral services in hospice settings.


From 1983 to 2001, when he decided to enter the ministry, Khleber owned a successful residential/commercial construction business in St. Louis.


He and his wife Linda have a blended family of seven adult children living in various parts of the county.


Church members will vote by paper ballot following services on April 3rd on the question of calling Khleber as our half-time minister.


The Ministerial Search Committee

Nancy Brunner, Paul Hebert, Mary Johnson,

Ted Loucks, Pat Moore

Memories of Dudley Giberson

By Grace Madison


If ever there was a “pillar” of our church, it was the Giberson family. With two very active parents and six talented children they provided a core of most of the church’s activities.


In a newspaper article announcing Dudley’s death, the activity director of Maryville Manor where he resided, described him as “a very kind and gentle man.” He may have changed when he got really old but I remember him as a feisty, intimidating patriarch who was a financial wizard and ruled the finance committee with an iron hand.


When our family arrived in Alton in 1963, we found this to be a thriving church with a long-time minister and a very large religious education program. The decision was soon made to add a new wing and upgrade the kitchen. A building fund was started with good response but when we were ready to start building, we still needed about $100,000. Dudley and a couple of other members met with a local bank president and with a friendly handshake the money was obtained with a promissory note - no mortgage for this church!


Dudley loved this church building. Through the years there were several times when the question of spending money for programs vs. building came up and Dudley invariably insisted that the building have top priority. When someone suggested that the church building be sold and the congregation relocated because of limited parking, Dudley would not hear of it. He was the building’s staunchest protector and defender.


In 1990, Dudley was one of a 3-person committee appointed to consider starting a local endowment fund. Its main purpose was to be the care and maintenance of the church building.


It is fitting that Dudley’s memorial service was held here at a time when this beautiful debt-free building is being lovingly cared for and well maintained. I wish Dudley could have visited recently to see it. You left quite a legacy, Dudley. May you rest in peace.

Memories of Dot, Joe, and Dudley

By the Rev. Sylvia Falconer

(Sylvia was our minister from 1979 - 1984)


I am disturbed and sad to hear of Dot Hull, Joe Russo, and Dudley Giberson passing away. They were such pillars of the church when I came there. It is difficult to imagine them in any other way than when I first met them. I loved canning with Dot and others in the church kitchen. Dot had those wonderful qualities of efficiency, patience and humor that boded well in a kitchen full of hot food and sweaty women. I loved seeing Dot reacting to Jim’s quiet humor.


I loved talking to Joe about literature, music, art, just about anything. When I preached “In Search of the Chocolate Lily” he presented me with a beautifully framed photo he had taken of a chocolate lily. It still hangs in my kitchen. I have several photos of my beloved Alaska which Joe took. Joe was so supportive during the first years of my ministry. He was a true renaissance man.


Entering Dudley’s insurance office was like walking into the 1930s - rich woods, the tick of an old clock and the smell of years of documents. During Fourth of July, the Giberson’s hosted a party in their backyard to view the fireworks over the river. Dudley was a gracious host supreme. I always enjoyed their hospitality.




Forum Coordinator needed

For Next Church Year


The Religious Education Committee is seeking a volunteer to coordinate the Forum program starting next September. To learn more about what would be involved in this service to the church, please attend the RE meeting on April 3rd or contact Jamie Gross:

UU 101 - Introduction to

Unitarian Universalism


The spring session of UU 101 will be held in two sessions on April 10th and April 17th from 9:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. in the Minister's Study. These sessions will be led by members of the church.


Everyone is welcome to attend, but a special invitation is extended to visitors, new members, and anyone generally interested in learning about Unitarian Universalism.


We anticipate that those of you who attend will have many questions, and much of the format of the sessions will be informal discussion. The following list outlines areas that we generally hope to cover.


  • Denominational and local history
  • UU Purposes and Principles, Mission and


  • Religious Education across the life-span
  • Expectations of Membership in the

    Stewardship of the Church

  • Organizational structure and function of the National, District, and local levels of UUism
  • Role of our Board of Trustees, Minister, Director of Religious Education, and Administrative Assistant
  • UU religious traditions, beliefs, practices,

    rituals, etc. 

  • Fellowship opportunities


If you have further questions, call the church office on Monday or Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. at 618-462-2462, or email the church office at You may also contact Marcia Custer, Chair of the Member Committee, If you plan to attend please let us know by contacting either the church office or Marcia Custer.








Sat., April 2 -

Memorial Service for Joe Russo - 2:00 p.m. at church


Sun., April 3 - Members vote after church on calling Khleber Van Zandt as minister.


Thurs., April 7 - Anna Ds at Alfie’s Restaurant.


Sun., April 10 - Introduction to UU, Session 1 -

9:00 a.m.


Sun., April 10 - Annual church pledge drive (a.k.a. church canvass) begins.


Mon., April 11 - Sierra Club - 7:30 p.m.


Tues., April 12 - Men’s Lunch Group - 11:30 a.m. - Chinese Buffet Restaurant.

Tues., April 12 - Board Meeting - 7:00 p.m.


Sat., April 16 - Memorial Service for Dot Hull - 2:00 p.m. at church.


Sun., April 17 - Introduction to UU, Session 2 -

9:00 a.m.


Fri., April 22 - UU Theatre Group - dinner at Pasta House at 6:00 p.m. and play at SIUE at 7:30 p.m.


Sun., May 1 - Annual church pledge drive ends.



New Social Event

UU Theatre Group


A few weeks ago a group of us met to have an early dinner and attend a theater production at Florissant Valley Community College, and decided it should be an ongoing church event. Anyone wishing to sponsor such an event should contact Marcia Custer at 618-656-8179 or in sufficient time to have the announcement in the monthly newsletter. The role of the sponsor is to find and announce the production, give a little summary if possible, select a place for people to meet for a pre-theater dinner if they so desire. And get a headcount so tickets can be purchased ahead of time.


So, check your local area to see what live theatre is available and what the upcoming productions will be.


Marcia Custer will be the first sponsor in suggesting the play Female Transport by Steve Gooch and directed by Peter Cocuzza. This production is an account of the life and death struggle of six women convicts forced together to overcome oppression and survive the tumultuous journey from England to Australia in 1807. This play is at the SIUE theatre. We will attend Friday April 22. Tickets are $10 and $6 for faculty, students, and seniors. The curtain is at 7:30 p.m. with dinner at 6:00 p.m. at the Pasta House on Route Illinois 157 located just before the entrance to SIUE. Reservations must be in to Marcia Custer by Tuesday April 19th.  

Men’s Lunch Group


The Men’s Lunch Group will meet at 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, April 12th at the Chinese Buffet at 2610 Homer Adams Parkway in Alton. This lunch meeting is planned as a regular event on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.










Contributions Needed for Medical

Mission to Haiti


Mona Hebert will be going to Haiti later this spring and will have a collection basket at church for donations of hygiene products. Items desperately needed are soap, shampoo, toothbrushes, toothpaste, etc. Samples from hotel rooms and dental offices are gladly accepted. The various “dollar stores” are also good places to purchase such items. Anything and everything is so needed by the people of Haiti, especially after the hurricanes and floods.


RE News



Dear Parents and Friends,


The new division of classes that were started last month is going very well. We have yet to have a Sunday where that extra class was not needed. We will be starting to gear up for program planning for next year at April committee Sunday. I would love to have some parental input on our RE program. At present there are no parents on our RE committee. I would also greatly encourage anyone in the congregation with interest to attend. Your input would be greatly appreciated on all levels of programming from early childhood to adult. Committee Sunday meeting times are listed elsewhere in the newsletter.


We had a Church work day on March 6th. RE items that were completed that day included creating an Activity room for older children to use during child care times instead of having everyone in the nursery. The nursery was cleaned and sorted to have all of the items for older child use moved to the new room. The former Youth room downstairs was also cleaned and sorted to make it a more appropriate space for a middle school classroom. Please feel free to stop by any of these rooms and see the changes that we have made.


There was an Easter Egg hunt Easter Sunday during the regularly scheduled RE time. This is an event that is always well received by the children of all ages.


I will be planning a curriculum preview meeting with a lunch provided after a Sunday service sometime later this spring. Please keep a lookout in future announcements for the exact date. This meeting is open to anyone in the congregation who is interested in seeing what the RE program will be working on in the next church year. The only request that I have is that you RSVP by the listed date in order to ensure that there is enough food for everyone. Child care will be provided.


Thank You,


Jamie Gross, RE Director

Anna Ds

The Anna D. Sparks Women's Alliance will meet at noon at Alfies Restaurant in Alton Square on April 7th for their monthly luncheon. All women in the church are welcome. For further information please call Lorli Nelson at 618/466-6517. 



Sunday Pot Luck Lunch



April 24th - the 4th Sunday


Bring a dish to share and plan to stay after church to join in food and fellowship.


A-L will do Clean Up


M-Z will do Table Set Up


Everyone will be responsible for setting food out on the buffet table.






New Member Recognition

will be held during services

on Sunday, April 24th.

March 8th Board Meeting Summary



- There will be a Congregational Meeting after church services on Sunday, April 3, 2005.

- Annual Member Meeting on Friday, May 20, 2005 starting at 7:30 p.m.


RE Director:

Worked 26 hours during month of February 2005. Requested window be inserted in door at head of stairs leading to children’s classes and in door leading to Minister’s office. Will contact Becky and Building & Grounds Committee to buy and install windows in appropriate doors. Activity Room for older kids has been cleaned up and is ready for the children. Needs some more items such as beanbag chairs. All children’s classrooms, nursery, and activity room need window treatments. Children decided to donate $200.00 from Children’s Fund to Renee Kaufmann, DRE, Berrin Michigan UU Fellowship, for her trip to India through the international United Way to aid in the tsunami relief efforts. Ms. Kaufmann will come and speak (hopefully at an intergenerational service) for any congregation that contributes regarding her experiences in India.



71.45% of this year’s pledges have been received. At this point, income received is ahead of expenses paid. Latest utility bill of $778.69 is lower than last month so it seems to be starting to come down. Final payment was received from American Ethical Union Society for rent of storage space. Have purchased new Wayside Pulpit Sign.


Web Site Update:

Thanks to Jerry Johnson and Jim Elliott for their work on the new Website.


Member Committee Updates:

Will have quarterly new member recognition instead of a yearly recognition. Next new member recognition will be held on April 24, 2005. President Elect Carolyn Hazzard will perform presentation of new member packets. New Member/Visitor orientation sessions will be held on two Sunday mornings in April. Volunteers are needed to help with orientation sessions. Talked about including digital photographs in next year’s Membership Book. Decided that for safety issues, would only have photos of adults identified by name. Possibly do group photo of children. Life Touch Portraits was mentioned as a company that will take pictures for free. Need a volunteer to take digital pictures and help work out details of project. Volunteer Bulletin Board is hanging up in Wuerker Room. Hopefully this board will act as an impetus for needed volunteers. Would like to have people sign up to mentor new members. Mentoring consists of making a connection with the new members and being available for questions.


Kitchen Update:

Was discovered that it was refrigerator not dishwasher that was leaking. Decided that we needed both refrigerators. Anna D. Sparks Women’s Alliance has offered to pay for a new refrigerator.


Ministerial Search Committee Update:

Khleber Van Zandt has been asked to be our ministerial candidate and he has enthusiastically accepted. Have sent out information by e-mail and regular mail regarding this and a special congregational meeting that will be held after Sunday services on April 3, 2005 to vote on calling Khleber as our minister.


Canvass Kickoff Planning:

There will be no canvass kickoff party. April 10, 2005 is Canvass Kickoff Sunday. Will ask that all canvass pledges be returned by April 30, 2005


New Committee Formed:

Finance Committee requested that we form an independent, permanent standing committee to handle the church canvass. It was moved and seconded (Nancy Brunner - Gerry Gilman)




Here are the names of church members and friends who are celebrating birthdays this month. If this is ‘your month’ and your name didn’t get included, we’re sorry. For future months please let Mary Johnson know your

birth month and day (


3 April - Curtis Meyenburg

5 April - David Wiseman

8 April - Ted Loucks

10 April - Corinne Hawkins

11 April - BJ Hotson

16 April - Shannon Mullikin

27 April - Ginger McCall


Piasa Palisades Sierra Club brings APPALACHIAN TREASURES SHOW

to Alton


Multimedia presentation & first-hand accounts from the struggle to Save The Heart of Appalachia from Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining

Date: Monday, April 11th

Time: 7:30 p.m.
Place: First Unitarian Church of Alton


Join Danny Dolinger, Appalachian Treasures Field Organizer, and a resident of the Appalachian coalfields, as they discuss the social and environmental impacts of Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining (MTR), and why help from the people of Illinois is so important in stopping it. Dubbed "strip mining on steroids" by coalfield residents, Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining involves clear cutting native hardwood trees, blasting away up to 1000 feet of mountaintop, then dumping the debris into nearby valleys. It has already turned 400,000 acres of forested mountains into barren moonscape and buried 1,200 miles of streams in West Virginia alone. Mountaintop removal also occurs in Kentucky, Virginia, and Tennessee. Meet the people who are fighting to protect their homes, their families, and the mountains themselves from the irreversible destruction.

Pledge Drive (a.k.a. Church Canvass)

April 10th - May 1st


The theme for the 2005-2006 pledge drive, “Forward through the Ages,” is taken from the title of Hymn Number 114, and sets the tone for what we hope will be a rewarding year of renewal and growth.


This year’s pledge drive goal is $72,000.


The “kickoff” of this year’s drive is going to be low-key. We are not going to have the usual evening party, but members and friends of the church will receive an introductory letter, a pledge card, and a description of the church’s financial status to help them in planning their giving for the upcoming year.


This material will be available at church on April 10th and will be mailed out later in the week to those not at church that Sunday.


If for some reason you do not receive a packet but wish to support the church financially, please contact the Chair of the Finance Committee, Ted Loucks

(314-839-1327) or and pledging material will be given to you.


More details will be forthcoming at church regarding this year’s canvass.




“Thank You …”


Says Pat Moore to all those who helped make the St. Patrick’s Party a success. “Thank you” to those who came early and helped with the finishing touches. “Thank you” to those who stayed late and cleaned up. “Thank you” to those who brought food and drink and to those who helped with collecting money and making name tags and childcare. “Thank you” to everyone who came and had a good time.


[Editor’s note: A BIG THANK YOU to Pat and Jim Moore. Pat planned, organized, decorated, cooked and orchestrated the evening which was full of Irish music, Irish trivia, and good fellowship.]

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