Windows on west side of sanctuary.

Newsletter of the

First Unitarian Church,

Alton, Illinois


Rev. Khleber Van Zandt, Minister

February 2012


9:30 AND 11:00 AM


February 5, 2012

“These Things We Pray”

Rev. Khleber Van Zandt


Progressives have for a long time allowed the voices of the religious right to define religious language in our culture.  And letting them do so has kept us from things that can be helpful.  So when we pray, what are we doing?  And what does it all mean?



February 12, 2012

9:30 am  -  “Cash and Contradiction”

Rev. Khleber Van Zandt


Few figures in recent history are more representative of American identity than the late Johnny Cash.  In his book Johnny Cash and the Great American Contradiction, author Rodney Clapp calls for a truce in our culture wars.  We’ll explore some of the contradictions inherent in the intersections between democracy and religion, using Cash as the spokesperson for us common folks.


11:00 am - A play starring our children

“Good King Wenceslaus”


An intergenerational worship service – no Children’s RE classes


Come be a part of what many of our kids have been working on throughout January:  an all-ages event full of new song and timeless story and youthful energy.

February 19, 2012 – Visitor Sunday

“This Heritage Day, Our Herstory”

Rev. Khleber Van Zandt

In our masculo-centric society, history may be told as just that:  his story.”  This Heritage Day, we lift up HER story:  remembering and celebrating those who have been instrumental in our congregation’s women’s alliance known as the Anna D’s.




February 26, 2012

“Gandhi’s in Heaven”

Rev. Khleber Van Zandt


Mega-church pastor Rob Bell ignited a firestorm on the Christian right a couple of years ago when he came to the same conclusion that our Universalist forebears did:  everybody gets to go to heaven, even a Hindu like Gandhi.  We’ll see why this is an important debate in our culture.




Town Hall Meetings

to Let Everyone Have a Voice about the

Upcoming Capital Campaign


Sunday, February 12 – 12:30 to 1:30 pm.


Sunday, February 19 – 12:30 to 1:30 pm.


Sunday, February 26 – 11:00 am to 12 noon.

Adult Religious Enrichment (ARE)

Offerings at 9:30 & 11:00 am


Nursery Care for infants and toddlers as well as Activities for older children is provided at 9:30.  Nursery Care and Religious Education classes for children 3 and older are offered at 11:00.


9:30 am – in Emerson Place


February 5 – Bible study –Tracey Howe-Koch


February 12 – Introduction to Paganism – Michelle Bryant-Barbeau


February 19 – Philosophy – Ron Glossop –

Our second session on David Hume (1711-1776) will focus on his ideas about ethics (our views about right and wrong are based on empathy as much as reasoning) and religion (it is not rational to believe accounts of miracles such as the resurrection of Jesus, and religious beliefs have evolved and are not particularly helpful to morality).


February 26 – Humanist / Non-theist Group – John Herndon



11:00 am – in the Minister’s Study

Every Sunday


“Spirit of Life."   Various leaders.

Spirit of Life classes seek to bring meaning, beauty, inclusivity, and growth to Unitarian Universalist adults as they deepen their spiritual awareness and connections.





Send Newsletter items by the 15th of each month

to the newsletter editor,

Mary Johnson –

and also to Becky Green in the church office

Church phone:  618-462-2462

Mail: PO Box 494, Alton IL 62002


    A First Glance

I’ve always loved old buildings, perhaps because they tell such great stories, or because the presence of the people who’ve been there before is often so palpable, or maybe because I appreciate things that are able to stick around in spite of all the changes going on in the world. 


I’m not only interested in dilapidated old buildings, though - I also love old buildings that have been updated to contemporary expectations of design and energy efficiency.  These seem to me ultimate examples of the wisdom of recycling:  making something usable for the next generations instead of tearing it all down and dumping it all into the trash heap.


For many years, people in this congregation have been talking about finding solutions to the problems our old church building presents.  And for several months now, they’ve gotten serious about soliciting bids to help solve some of the more intractable issues.  For instance:


--  Because the age and design of the kitchen limits our ability to provide food service on a large-enough scale, we have bids on renovating the kitchen and appliances so our own coffee hours and potlucks are easier to arrange and so we can better fulfill our mission of reaching out to and sharing meals with the neediest of our neighbors.


--  Because the exterior wall of older, single-pane windows across the Alby Street side of the building renders the rooms on that side of the RE Wing extremely expensive to heat in the winter and virtually unusable in the summer, we have bids on replacing the old glass, rotten wood, and exterior asbestos siding with new energy-efficient insulated glass and a reduced-maintenance, insulated wallboard that will make all those rooms more welcoming and comfortable.


--  Because our wonderful old building is perched on the side of an impressive hill in Alton that makes it a challenge for anyone trying to walk into our building, we are working on various possibilities for parking near the building in order to better fulfill our mission of being welcoming and inclusive, first to our present members who have increasing mobility issues, but also to families with young children and to prospective visitors of varying abilities.


There’s more on the list of possibilities, of course: roofing to be maintained and turned ‘green,’, heating and air conditioning to be updated and replaced, an elevator to solve accessibility problems. 


Perhaps you have ideas or concerns you’d like to share.  A series of Town Hall meetings will begin soon that should give everyone in our congregation the chance to be heard as well as to learn more.  Or you can forward comments or questions to your minister or any member of the Board of Trustees.


See you in church, Gras Potluck and Dance

Family Night @ Church


When: Saturday, February 25, 6:00 pm

Where: First Unitarian Church of Alton,

Kate Wuerker Room


What to bring: A Cajun/Creole dish to share, drinks, breads of all kinds and don’t forget the



Sign-up Sheet in the Wuerker Room


Kids Welcome

4 and under, childcare available.

We’re talkin’ red beans & rice, jambalaya, gator stew.


Youth Group News


This year, the Youth Group will be meeting on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Sundays of the month from Jan - May.  We will be selling coffee between services on the 2nd and 4th Sundays. Catherine Oldt is doing a great job as our coffee coordinator.  Lily Tade has been assisting.


Youth need to be sure to attend 50% of our meetings to be eligible to attend the awesome Mini-Con we are planning for March 24th.


Also, the BIG NEWS: We have rented the Community Center for our MINI-CON on Saturday March 24 for our MINI-CON!


                                                Cathy Tade.


Your Church Board



President –                    Sayer Johnson

President Elect –           Marty Moore Johnson

Past President –            Cheryle Tucker-Loewe

Secretary –                    Sarah Lazarz

Treasurer –                   Jerry Johnson

Trustee –                       Jim Moore

Trustee –                       Don Allen

Youth Rep. –                Lily Tade


Board meetings are the 2nd Wednesday each month at 7 pm and are open to the church members.





The 2nd annual congregation-wide campout at Pere Marquette State Park will begin on Friday, June 1st at 2 pm and ending on June 5th at 11 am.  Details to come




Camping Ministry Meeting


Do you enjoy camping?  Looking for a way to get involved in the life of our church?  This may be the committee for you!  We’ll meet every 1st Sunday following the second service.  Questions?  See Sayer Johnson or Juliette Crone-Willis.

Chalice Circles



Belleville Chalice Circle

Every 3rd Thursday.

Thursday, February 16 at 7 pm.   Contact Don or Jan Allen for the location.



Renegade Women’s Chalice Circle

Every 3rd Saturday.

Saturday,  February 18 from 10 am to 2 pm

The UUA "Cakes for the Queen of Heaven" workshop will continue this Saturday. Bring a lunch.
Contact Beth Bourland or Peg Flach.



Parents Seeking Peace Chalice Circle

Every 3rd Sunday.

Sunday, February 19 from 12:15 to 1:30 pm in Emerson Place at Church.
Contact: Diane Thompson or Sayer Johnson.



Men's Chalice Circle

Every 4th Tuesday.

Tuesday, February 28 at 7 pm at church.

Contact: Khleber Van Zandt.



The GLBT Chalice Circle

The last Sunday of each month.

Sunday, February 26 at 12:15

Look for them on facebook under “GBLT UU Chalice Circle - Alton, IL.”
Contact Layne A. Simpson.



To Contact Rev. Khleber Van Zandt


Cell Phone:

Missouri – 314-223-0551

Illinois – 618-520-0567



February Birthdays


Most people enjoy getting a card or email or phone call on their birthday.  Below is the list we have of church members and friends celebrating birthdays this month.  If you don’t think the church office has your birthday on file, please contact Becky Green at and give her that information.


            Feb. 1     Jeff Cassens

            Feb. 2      Mary Johnson

            Feb. 8      Leah Bailey

            Feb. 8      Nancy Conniff

            Feb. 11    Gene Eaton

            Feb. 11    Debora Miller

            Feb. 14    Megan Bryden-Wasoba

            Feb. 14    Yvonne Mccall

            Feb. 15    Amanda Grippi

            Feb. 15    Andrew Unangst

            Feb. 15    Dennis Bailey

            Feb. 17    Ron Glossop

            Feb. 17    Ryan Wasoba

            Feb. 23    Beth Bourland

            Feb. 23    Jack Morgan (9)

            Feb. 26    Donna Young




Support the Alton Crisis Food Center


Please remember to buy “extra” when you do your grocery shopping this month and put those “extras” in the food donation boxes in the RE entrance foyer at church.


Coffee Hour:

Signup sheets are in the Kate Wuerker Room for you to sign up to bring refreshments, or to set-up for Coffee Hour, or to clean-up after Coffee Hour. 


Throughout the year please volunteer at least once in each of these areas.  Taking part in helping to make Coffee Hour enjoyable for everyone is a great way to build community.

Pot Luck Lunches:

Our monthly lunches are held on the 4th Sunday following the second worship service. In February that will be on February 26.  Everyone is asked to bring a dish to share This is an all-church event so we all participate in setting up and cleaning up, but Food Ministries members are the people who help others find serving spoons, use the microwave, and give general kitchen guidance.



4th Saturday Lunch

 February 25


Please consider coming to church to share a meal with our guests who may be in less fortunate situations. Helping at our 4th Saturday lunches are a way you can contribute your time and talent and also share a meal with people you might not otherwise ever meet.


We will have a sign up sheet as usual and appreciate everyone’s contributions to this activity.

Choir Rehearsals


Help contribute to the joy of our Sunday services by singing in the choir.  All voices invited! 


We practice after church two Sundays each month and on two Thursday evenings each month.  This schedule allows people who can’t come out at night, or who can’t stay after church on Sundays to have more opportunities to rehearse.  The choir usually sings for services one Sunday each month.


Sunday – Feb. 5 – 12:30 to 1:30 pm
Sunday – Feb. 12 – 12:30 to 1:30 pm
Thursday – Feb. 16 – 7 to 8:00 pm
Thursday – Feb. 23 – 7 to 8:00 pm


For further information contact Willis McCoy




Cakes for the Queen of Heaven


Plan to join us on Saturday, February 18th at 10 am in the Kate Wuerker Room for Cakes for the Queen of Heaven, sponsored by the Renegade Women's Chalice Circle.  Bring a sack lunch and perhaps a snack item to share!


Questions?   More information?   Contact:   Peg Flach. Community Outreach Offering


General Information: 

One-half of the cash collection and one-half of any undesignated checks put in the collection on the 2nd and 4th Sundays are given away to charitable causes.  The entire amount of a check designated for a specific cause is donated to that cause.   The money donated does not include pledge checks or money otherwise earmarked by the giver.



February’s Community Outreach Offering will help enable one or more low income families to purchase shares in the Community Supported Garden at La Vista in Godfrey IL.   The families themselves will pay 10% of the cost of a share.

 “Community Supported Agriculture  (CSA) consists of a community of individuals who pledge support to a farm operation so that the farmland becomes, either legally or spiritually, the community’s farm, with the growers and consumers providing mutual support and sharing the risks and benefits of food production. Members or shareholders of the farm or garden pledge in advance to cover the anticipated costs of the farm operation and farmer’s salary. In return, they receive shares in the farm’s bounty throughout the growing season, as well as satisfaction gained from reconnecting to the land. Members also share in risks, including poor harvest due to unfavorable weather or pests.” — USDA definition


Whole Shares (weekly) and Alternative (every two weeks) shares are available.  A whole share is $550 and an Alternate Share is $300.



Condolences to Jeff Cassens on the death of his mother in January.
The congregation is saddened by the death of one of its
long-time members.


Irene B. Mondhink died on January 1, 2012 at the age of 85.   She worked for many years as a supervisor at the Alton Mental Health Center.   She was an avid birder and volunteered much of her time at local bird sanctuaries.   As per her wishes, there were no services held for her, although friends at the January Anna Ds meeting shared memories of times spent with Irene.





Below is the current list of members of the Caring Ministries Committee.   You may always contact one of them in time of illness, loss, crisis, or other need.   Keep this list of contact people available in case you or your family is in need of pastoral support.




Interest Groups



Women’s Alliance Group


The Anna Ds will meet at 11:30 am on Thursday, February 2nd at Best Buffet & Grill located at 615 Wesley Dr. in Wood River, IL 62095. (618-258-1888)

It's in the small strip mall by Taco Bell and Steak & Shake across the road from the entire Wal-Mart complex.

RSVP to Sandy Shaner by Monday, January 30th.  All women are invited to attend, whether or not they’re members of the Anna Ds. Fifty-Plus (50+) Forum

The “Fifty Plusers” will meet on Saturday, February 4th  from 10:30 am to noon in the Kate Wuerker Room.


Afterwards, as always those who can will continue the discussion over lunch. The Fifty-Plus Forum is coordinated by Sandy Shaner, Pat Murrell, and Mona Hebert. Spiral Scouts


Sunday, February 5th from 1-3 pm.     The SpiralScouts youth program includes interpersonal skills, traditional woodland lore, camping, and outdoor living skills. To check on meeting times or for additional information you may contact Amy Eichen, Primary Contact for RiverDragon Circle 254.
 Men’s Lunch Group


The Men’s Lunch Group will meet at 11:30 am on Thursday, February 9th at the St. Louis Buffet, 672 Wesley Dr., Wood River, IL.
Contact Dick Blanton for further details.

All Men in our Church Family are invited! Meet our newest member



Joining 1/22/12



ADAMS, Will*

(Madison, Will, Peyton, Daniel, Gina)


(The online version of the newsletter
does not publish telephone numbers and addresses of members.)


Greetings from Diamond Kharbithai


One of the Unitarian Students in India Supported by our Community Outreach Offering.


First of all let me wish you a very happy New Year 2012 to all the members of the Unitarian Church there.

I pray to God that you have a fabulous and blessed year ahead.

I was home for Christmas and New Year and I would be leaving Shillong on January 10 for my second semesters in BSc Nursing at Bangalore.

My parents and my siblings spent quality time with each other during the festive days and we spent our time at home mostly.

Let me tell you that all of us attended a special new year service at the Kharang Unitarian Church. We sang and prayed together for a prosperous year ahead. Not the least, but I do remember your church in my prayers everyday. I am thankful to all at your church for supporting me.

It is indeed a blessing for me and in return I would like to give back my service to the people when I am done studying.


Loads of Love and Hugs.

Diamond Kharbithai

Women's Weekend April 21-22

Pallottine Renewal Center in Florissant


Theme : A Single Branching Tree

The long tradition continues - Eliot Chapel sponsors a time to retreat, relax, and find community among other women.

Please join us at the Pallottine Renewal Center located in Florissant, MO. 

You have a choice to spend one night or just come for the day. 

Women's Weekend is a great time to relax, participate in exciting workshops, meet new people and more. 


The theme, "A Single Branching Tree", brings women together in one community.

Each woman is like a tree with many branches - branches of emotion, spiritual connection, creativity, unique relationships with others, and diverse experiences.

Rev. Terry Davis will lead the Sunday worship service in the beautiful chapel at the center.


This retreat is open to all UU women and friends including Alton, Emerson, and First UU St Louis.


Register on-line at in February or contact Carolyn Burke at





Winter and snow are here, and inside is generally preferable to outside. Do you have enough good books to get you through bad weather while you curl up with somewhere cozy? If not, take a look at the church bookshelf by the red door to the Kate Wuerker Room. New donations keep coming, so it's worth checking frequently, and the prices stay the same: $1 for hardbacks and 50 cents for paperbacks. And, once you've read them, bring them back for someone else to buy and enjoy until warm weather beckons you outdoors again. We have an overflow of books right now and would like to be able to put out books as they come in, but the shelves are full.

2012 Monthly Electronic Recycling Drop Off Locations,
sponsored by WITS, INC.


February through November 2012 ~ except Mother's Day and Easter Sunday


Fridays           12 pm to 6 pm

1st Friday         Alton/Jerseyville

Bank of Edwardsville

4415 MLK Drive, Alton, IL 62002


2nd Friday        Collinsville

Collinsville Overflow Lot,

223 W. Main St., Collinsville, IL 62234


4th Friday         Glen Carbon/Edwardsville

Bank Of Edwardsville

2142 S. State 157, Glen Carbon, IL 62034


Saturday        10 am to 4 pm


2nd Saturday  Granite City

America's Central Port

Former Army Depot Commissary Parking Lot

Seventh and “A” Streets off RT 3

Granite City, IL 62040


Sundays         10 am to 4 pm


3rd Sunday     Macoupin County

Public Works Parking Lot

21480 IL Route 4, Carlinville, IL 62626


4th Sunday      Hardin

U of I Extension Parking Lot

818 S. Park Street, Hardin, IL 62047

You can take your items directly to these processors/businesses for FREE
or call for a pick up (there is a fee for pick up)

Somtech Recycling  By appointment only
415 Ridge Street
Alton, IL 62002
Cell: 618-593-2981 or office 618-463-2954
TOTALL Metal Recycling
2700 Missouri Avenue
Granite City, IL 62040
Toll Free: 866.470.5763 
WITS, Inc.
647 E Holly
Saint Louis MO 63147
February Religious Education (RE) Program News & Notes


February Schedule


Pre K-Kindergarten

Grades Pre-K-6th

Youth Group


Spirit Play!

Good King Wenceslas play Rehearsal in the Emerson Place Room

Does not meet


Intergenerational Service

Intergenerational Service:   Good King Wenceslas play presentation, second service

Intergenerational Service


Children’s Moment; Spirit Play!

Children’s Moment in the sanctuary, then classes



Children’s Moment; Spirit Play!

Children’s Moment in the sanctuary, then classes



February 12  The Play!  Good King Wenceslas

Children’s Moment always ends with “You have only two things to do:  have fun and learn something!”  We tell teachers that the curriculum is not what you teach from, but what you teach with—if you can share with children who you are and what you value, that is what they will remember.  While performing a play we learn how to cooperate, work as a team, develop esprit de corps, take direction, achieve a goal, and tell a story from which we can learn a lesson.  Alas, if only our grown-up world could do as much!  Come witness our hard work and join us as we tell a story of generosity and loving kindness.


We return to our regular religious education programming February 19, 2012.


Youth Conferences (CON)

March is a busy month for our youth, so save the dates!

  • March 2-3 Middle School Youth Mini-CON hosted by Eliot Chapel; 6-8 Graders; Steven Mead will chaperon.  Anyone else?  Required chaperon ratio is 6:1.  Youth from all the St. Louis area UU churches are invited
    • Arrival around 7 p.m. on Friday and concluding around 4 pm on Saturday (subject to slight adjustments).  Light snacks will be available that night but not a full meal.
    • Friday evening will include some ice breakers, games, and perhaps a worship, and a movie before lights out
    • Saturday will likely include a social action project and a fun activity, concluding before dinner time
    • Event is open to 6th-8th grade youth who are registered in our program
    • A modest event fee will be charged
  • March 8-9 Senior High Regional Youth CON hosted by North Short Unitarian Church, Deerfield, IL; we have not had an adult approach us to be chaperon; consequently, we are not planning to participate
  • March 24 Youth Mini-CON hosted by the First Unitarian Church Alton — our first ever!  Our youth are very excited to host and plan this event.  We would love adult support.  We anticipate approximately 30 youth total.  Adults can sign up for shifts:  1) 10 am to 2 pm; 2) 2 pm to 5 pm (mostly at RiverBender Community Center); and 3) 5 pm to 8 pm  Registration fee:  $20
    • 10 am arrival, meet and greets and ice breakers
    • 11 am to 12 pm luncheon in Emerson Place
    • 12 pm to 2 pm assist with the 4th Saturday Luncheon, mingle with guests, hear their stories, make sure they have what they need, clean-up, set up for dinner
    • 3 pm to 5 pm RiverBender Community Center
    • 5 pm worship service
    • 5:30 pm dinner
    • 7 pm dismissal and pickup


February 26 Religious Education Town Hall Meeting—Emerson Place Room

Come join us after second service from 12:15 to 1:15 (vegetarian sandwiches will be served) as we discuss our growing program, we will especially want your views on offering Religious Education at both services.  We have 70 children enrolled from nursery to senior high and more on the way; our average weekly attendance is 43 and we have spiked at 60.


Steven Mead, DRE

314.239.5694 (cell)

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