Congregation established 1836


A Newsletter for
Members and Friends of the

First Unitarian Church, Alton, Illinois


Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.

February 2005


February 6th

“A Faith for Now and the Future”

Dr. Ronald Glossop


Ron will discuss the role of our Unitarian Universalist faith in the history of religion and our significance in the present and future intellectual history of humanity.


This will also be “Heritage Day.” See elsewhere in the newsletter for further details.


February 13th

“Roses have been Hard to Find”

Khleber Van Zandt


With so many news stories about disasters and tragedies, the spirit of Valentine’s Day may be difficult to muster. How can our faith be that love will ultimately carry the day?


Khleber is in his last semester at Eden Seminary and is a member of Eliot Chapel in Kirkwood, MO.


February 20th

“Where is Beloved Community?”

Susan Maginn


To be part of a loving community is something we all want whether it is in our home, congregation or neighborhood. Beloved Community is also a larger vision of a world where love is present.

Join us as we reflect on how Beloved Community can be a challenge and a gift to us all.


Susan is currently a student at Eden Seminary, as well as the Youth Director at Eliot Chapel where she completed her ministerial internship last year.


February 27th

“The Strength of a Loser”

Khleber M. Van Zandt


Our American culture values winning above all else - losers are relegated to the scrap heap of history. But we can find spiritual lessons in those times when we didn’t come out on top.


Special music this Sunday will be selections for dulcimer and flute played by Don and Jan Allen.








Deadline: Send Newsletter items by 15th of the month to the Church office AND to the Editor.

First Unitarian Church (618) 462-2462

PO Box 494, Alton, IL 62002


Editor: Mary Johnson


Additional Sunday Morning Programming

9:00 a.m. & 9:30 a.m.


COMMITTEES MEET at 9:00 a.m. on February 6th. Programs for the remainder of the month start at 9:30 a.m.


February 6th - Committee Sunday - All Committees should meet at this time.


February 13th - Meditation - Led by Pam and Ted Loucks.


February 20th - Forum - The work of the St. Louis Area Unitarian Universalist Council (SLAUUC). Presented by Gail Rock, current president of SLAUUC and a graduate of Starr King Unitarian Universalist seminary.


February 27th - Adult RE - Led by Gerry Gilman. The ongoing study and discussion is about the book “Understanding the Bible” by Dr. Johns Buehrens.









Feb. 3rd - Anna Ds at noon.


Feb.6th - Committee Sunday and Heritage Day


Feb. 8th - Men’s Lunch Group - 11:30 a.m.


Feb. 8th - Board meeting - 7:00 p.m.


Feb. 27th - Potluck after church.






Heritage Day

February 6th


February 6th is Heritage Day. We will have a display of historical artifacts from our archives. We will hear about newsworthy happenings in our church over 100 years ago, the result of research done by Midge Hallett at Haynor Library. The Endowment Committee will have a display giving information about our Endowment Fund with informational brochures and people present to answer any questions.


A Special Offering will be taken during the service to be contributed to the Endowment Fund. A congregational picture will be taken at the beginning of the service to be added to our Donor Book which will be available for viewing during coffee hour. There will be special refreshments and helium balloons for the children. See you there!


Grace Madison

for the Endowment Committee





Opportunities for

Sunday Morning Volunteers


There are signup sheets in the Wuerker Room for you to volunteer to be a Sunday morning coffee hour host, an Usher, or a Greeter. Everyone is encouraged to take their turn in these service activities.


January 11th Board Meeting Minutes

[Summarized by Newsletter Editor]



The Annual Membership Meeting will be on Friday, May 20, 2005 starting at 7:30 p.m.



RE Director:

Jamie will be attending the Multicultural RE Renaissance Module on March 11-13, 2005. This is her 8th out of 10 modules she will have completed. These count towards Jamie’s credentialing program. Jamie is trying to get the youth group back and involved. Jamie will purchase a programmable thermostat for the Nursery/Adult RE wing with funds from Building and Grounds.


Office Manager:

The front signboard is desperately in need of replacement. Doors do not close properly and moisture has warped the doors and the interior signboard. The January Issue of Interconnections has a good article on Web sites and how important they are for welcoming visitors. Becky needs to do more research into security systems before we purchase one.



63% of this year’s pledges have been received. The utilities expenses for last month were low because the bill was received late. The Worship Committee expenses are way over budget because of need to pay for more guest speakers. But, Minister expense is way under budget. Requests have come in for donating to the Memorial Fund and suggestions on how to use the Memorial Fund include: a Memorial Garden, a new pulpit, indoor playground equipment, art work for behind the pulpit, a new signboard. Board approval will be required for any final decision.



It was suggested that new members should be recognized on a monthly basis, at potluck Sunday, instead of only once a year at Recognition Sunday in June.


After careful review and update of member directory and pledge information by the Finance and Member Services Committees it was determined that we have 61 voting members in our congregation. This will be the figure sent in to the UUA for credentialing. The church pays an annual fee of $51.00 per voting member to the UUA


The Ministerial Search Committee is reviewing packet information and interviewing prospective ministerial candidates.


The church is interested in getting better access to parking near the handicap entrance. We have a signed lease on land which abates that side of building, but will need to purchase land if want to make improvements.


The motion was made and carried to nominate the following members to serve on Endowment Committee: James Moore - Chair; Grace Madison - Financial Secretary; David Wiseman - Recording Secretary.


The Alby Street doors need to be kept locked at all times to prevent strangers from walking in and wandering around the building, especially during children’s RE programs.


Submitted by Mona Hebert, Board Secretary










February 6, 2005 - 9:00 AM


RE NEWS - from Jamie Gross, DRE


Dear Parents and Friends,



Over the last month we have seen increased attendance in our classrooms. This is a wonderful development, but we need more volunteers to be in the classrooms. We also need more people on the RE Committee, including a Chairperson, to help with planning for the rest of this year, and next year. Please see me about what is needed for the rest of this church year and looking ahead into the next.


Given that we have had several new families join us recently, and that we are about half-way through the year, this seems like a good time to remind everyone of some basic safety information. Please remember that there are labeled fire exits on both levels of the building. In case of fire, we would ask that parents not come and collect their children in the building. The teachers and I will make sure that the kids get out of the building and will meet you safely in the parking lot across the street. Other safety issues involve doors in the building. Please make sure that the nursery door and the door at the top of the stairs remain closed when there are children in the building. We have several “new walkers” in the congregation, and we wouldn't want one of them to try out the stairs before they are ready. Also, please keep the Alby Street door locked when there are children in the building.


I have the updates on the Gift Shop and Mitten Tree service projects that were held in December. The Gift Shop raised $71.50 which the children decided to donate to the St. Louis Children's Hospital. The money will go to help families who are at the hospital from out of the area obtain food, lodging, and travel. The Mitten Tree collected three large paper grocery bags full of warm clothing. Two of these bags were taken to the Oasis Women's Center, and the other was taken to the Salvation Army homeless shelter. Both of these agencies were very appreciative.


As always the most important way that you can help with your child's religious education is to encourage regular attendance. Please feel free to share with me any feedback that you may have.

A Note from Rose Hoshiko


Here are the replies received from those to whom the church sent Holiday Greetings.


From Carol Wolff:

Please extend my thanks to all who signed the Xmas greeting. I was so thrilled to receive it and now can look back on all the times I signed one not knowing who they were going to but knowing it was a thoughtful gesture. Carol


From Ruth Schwebke:

Dear friends at the Alton UU: How kind and thoughtful of you to send me greetings at the holidays! Of course I recognize all those old enough to have been members when Karl and I were there more than 20 years ago - And I shall come and visit - maybe I can get there in ’05. I am getting along fairly well with the help of friends. When one's companion of more than 65 years is suddenly gone, the vacancy in one's life is enormous, but we must do the best we can. Sincerely, Ruth Schwebke




Sunday Pot Luck Lunch


February 27th - the 4th Sunday


Bring a dish to share and plan to stay after church to join in food and fellowship.


A-L will do Clean Up

M-Z will do Table Set Up


Everyone will be responsible for setting food out on the buffet table.


Our Memories of Dorothy (Dot) Hull


Dot Hull, who joined this church on April 25, 1943, died on January 8, 2005. We would like anyone who wants to share a memory about Dot to send it by mail or email to the church office.


Here are a few already received:


From Jim Elliott: I remember Dot and Jim Hull well … They both had ready smiles for their many friends. I remember the last time I saw Dot in church, she rose to introduce her son … it was heartwarming to see the love she expressed for him.”


From Ruth Shaw: I can still ‘see’ Dot and Jim at church in the sanctuary. They always sat in the same pew and were there every Sunday. We could always depend on Dot to take charge of getting everything ready for receptions. That would include getting the linens and tableware ready and preparing a beautiful reception table.”


From Grace Madison: The First Unitarian Church of Alton has had a long-standing reputation for good food and smart children. Dot Hull was one of our best cooks and I treasure the recipes she shared with me. For many years, the Anna D's would can garden produce and make jams, jellies, etc. to sell as a fund-raiser. One of their specialties was a wonderfully delicious, decadent chocolate topping using a secret recipe. As I remember only one person was allowed to know the entire recipe, dispensing parts of it to others on a "need to Know" basis as they made it each year. Several years ago, I heard that Dot was the final "keeper of the secret." Our church has lost a dedicated member and perhaps more than we know, with her death.




From Lucy McAneny: I certainly am reminded about Dot Hull all the time by the many people who play bridge in the current group of members for the Anna D Sparks Alliance. Many of them have asked about Dot and her family. She did a terrific job of getting the bridge group started. There were eleven groups playing when I took over the job … Dot was of an era that made major contributions, financially rewarding the Church, and was a gracious and willing contributor of her time for social improvements. Both the Church and the community were the beneficiaries.








Here are the names of church members and friends who are celebrating birthdays this month. If this is ‘your month’ and your name didn’t get included, we’re sorry. For future months please let Mary Johnson know your

birth month and day


 2 February - Mary Johnson

 3 February - William Loucks (1998)

 6 February - Nancy Brunner

 9 February - Carolyn Hazzard

11 February - Gene Eaton

11 February - Chris Sutton

14 February - Yvonne McCall

17 February - Ron Glossop

23 February - Beth Bourland

28 February - Tom Allred

28 February - Max Sutton (1996)

A Dinner Invitation to

Get to Know Your Unitarian Neighbors




During February, several church members will be hosting small dinners in different parts of our attendance area. We hope everyone will take advantage of the opportunity to get to know each other better. Dates will vary, but there should be one convenient for everyone.


Please choose the area closest to your home and call one of the individuals listed below for further information and to confirm or decline your attendance.


In the Alton area please call Audrey Wiseman or Corinne Hawkins.


In the Edwardsville area please call Grace Madison or Rose Hoshiko.


In North County area please call Pam Loucks.

First Unitarian Church, St. Louis Women’s Alliance

Annual Scholarship for 2005-2006 Academic Year


The scholarship will be given to a woman who is responsible financially for continuing her education, a member of a St. Louis Area Unitarian Universalist church or fellowship (SLAUUC) [this included Alton] and a registered student.


The award will be made on the basis of scholarship, character, and need.


Application packets are now available. Please request them from the Women’s Alliance Scholarship Committee - 5700 Waterman Blvd., St. Louis MO 63108 or email Mary O’Neal Broida -


The deadline for completed applications is March 31, 2005.



Central Midwest District Assembly

April 15-17, 2005

Sheraton Hotel & Conference Center

Arlington Heights, IL


“Creating Beloved Community: The Challenge and the Promise”


Keynote presenter:

Rev. Rosemary Bray McNatt


This annual assembly will have an array of interesting workshops and activities.


There will be more information and registration forms at church.


The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee

The UUSC "Guest at Your Table" fundraising campaign is over for this year. We have once again given outstanding support, with total contributions of at least $1380.


Because our congregation has achieved 25-49 percent membership in U.U.S.C., we once again we qualify as a "Creating Justice" Banner Congregation.


In addition, our congregation has again pledged $1.00 per member from our budget to the U.U.S.C., which qualifies us for the James Luther Adams Award.


Special thanks also to the Anna D Sparks Women’s Alliance for making a pledge to U.U.S.C. every year.

If you contributed directly to UUSC and did not get recognized, please let me know. If you missed the campaign, but still want to contribute, please send your check directly to the UUSC and identify yourself as a member or friend of the
First Unitarian Church of Alton.

Unitarian Universalist Service Committee

130 Prospect Street

Cambridge, MA 02139-1845

A very special thank you goes to these individual members and friends who generously made contributions this year:


Paul and Joyce Berney

Lucy Bouton

Marcia Custer

Jim Elliott

Ronald Glossop

Corinne Hawkins

Carolyn Hazzard

Jerry and Mary Johnson

Ted and Pam Loucks

Grace Madison

Jack and Ginger McCall

Irene Mondhink

Jim and Pat Moore

Wayne and Jennifer Politsch

Nelson and Sandra Shaner

Ruth Shaw

Layne Simpson

Kris and Cheryle Tucker-Loewe

Mary and David Weber

David and Audrey Wiseman

Pat Moore

UUSC Representative


Memories of

Joseph Russo


Joe Russo died Wednesday, January 19, 2005. He has been a member of our church since February 20, 1955. A memorial service will be held at a later date. If you would like to share a memory about Joe please send it by mail or email to the church office.

Men’s Lunch Group


The Men’s Lunch Group will meet at 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, February 8th at the Chinese Buffet at 2610 Homer Adams Parkway in Alton. This lunch meeting is planned as a regular event on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.



Special Tsunami Offering

Raises $508.00


The special offering taken up during the Worship service on Sunday, January 16th came to $508.00. This money will be donated to the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) for use in their efforts to help the victims of the Tsunami in Southeast Asia.




More Cartons of Soda Needed


A couple months ago the Board decided that everyone would be asked to contribute a 12- can carton of their favorite soda as a fund raiser, and to have an alternative beverage to coffee and tea available. The cartons are in the refrigerator and the soda sells for 50 cents a can. Those sales are going well - the basket always has “cold hard cash” - focus on the ‘cold’ - and we’d like people who haven’t contributed a carton of soda to bring one in as our stock is running low.


The Caring and Concern Committee


If you know of a church member or church friend in your area that is need of assistance or has an illness or death in the family or just needs a comforting word, please let one of the following people know or make the church office aware of the situation.



Corinne Hawkins

Audrey Wiseman



Grace Madison

Rose Hoshiko


North County (MO)

Pam Loucks






Anna D’s



The Anna D. Sparks Women's Alliance will meet at noon on February 3rd for their monthly luncheon. All women in the church are welcome. For further information please call Lorli Nelson.

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